Charlie's story: part 3

By lunchtime, Charlie is starting to feel more secure. Maybe he has been distracted by the food or comforted by sitting next to Karen, but he has found his appetite and eats with gusto. The positive effects of Karen's consistent use of "please" and "thank-you" in her interactions with the children can be seen as well.

See also:

Charlie (2 years, 4 months)
Matteo (2 years, 2 months)

Child-care centre: Big Step

Date and Time: March 17, 2010, morning

See keywords for this video
Big Stepbody orientationbody positionCharliecognitive developmentcomfortCPEdecision-makingemotional developmentexpressive languagefacilitating strategiesfeeding/eatingfoodfruitgiving choicesgross-motor developmentguiding behaviourhealthhealth/safety/hygieneKarenlanguage developmentlunchmalemannersMatteomodellingmorningnutritionolder toddlersphysical developmentphysical education/nutrition learningpolitepositive eating environmentpronouncepronounspronunciationrequestroutinesscheduleself-controlsensory developmentsentencesseparation anxietysocial developmentspeaktalktastetexturethank-youtrustverbal communicationvocabularywarmthwords
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